Mohave County
October 2024
Volume 24 Issue 8

Diet Center’s Weight Loss Tip – Good Eating at Gatherings

November 2023 | 0 comments

November 2023

The holidays are right around the corner. For many that means family get-togethers, meeting up with friends and possibly gatherings at work. Usually all of which revolve around food. There’s no need to stress about attending parties or other gatherings that involve food.
Planning can help you be prepared to handle temptations or stressful situations.
Certain times of the year there may be many parties and special events to attend. Choose the events that are most important to you. If you’re worried about losing control around tasty treats, find a friend to go with you who may also be working on losing weight. This way, you can keep each other on track.
Be aware of your triggers. Are you expecting your favorite foods to be served? Do you lack control when you’re by a buffet? Plan on setting a limit of one serving or bite of your favorite food. Plan on staying away from the buffet after you have filled your plate (with smaller portions and the healthiest food items available). Once you have your plate of food, pace yourself. Take time to savor what you’re eating and allow time for your brain to know that you’re full.
If stress causes you to give in to temptation, try taking time out for yourself. Take a walk, a relaxing bath, or read a chapter of a good book.
Avoid panicking about parties. It’s possible to enjoy yourself without overindulging if you take time to prepare.
Here is another tip to help you to cope with your upcoming holiday or gathering. As you start going through your family recipes or favorite cookbooks remember that substituting ingredients with lower fat or fat free varieties can make a big difference. Making simple substitutions in your daily meals and recipes can make significant reductions in your calorie intake. Here are some examples of how many calories can be saved substituting lower fat ingredients for higher fat ones:
• 1 cup skim milk versus 1 cup whole milk = 60 calories.
• 8 egg whites versus 4 Whole eggs = 188 calories.
• Nonstick cooking spray versus oil or butter = 135 calories per tablespoon.
• Removing skin from a five-ounce portion of chicken or turkey breast = 360 calories.
• Plain, nonfat yogurt instead of cream in recipes saves over 700 calories.
• Plain, nonfat yogurt instead of mayonnaise in dressing recipes saves over 480 calories per 1/3 cup.
• 1 Cup of a non-calorie sweetener versus 1 cup of sugar saves 960 calories.
Start making these simple changes now so that as you are preparing those family favorites it will become second nature to use low fat and fat free ingredients.
Making small substitutions can make a big difference in the number of calories consumed. Diet Center has moved. Our new location is 2601 Stockton Hill Rd Suite H4 in the Hilltop Plaza in Kingman or call 928-753-5066.


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