MIT Begins to Discriminate Less

MIT Begins to Discriminate Less

By Rich Lowry The indications are that a historically oppressed minority group in America is finally going to get discriminated against less. Cue the rejoicing? No, because the group is Asian Americans and the discrimination has happened in the realm of college...

Chloride Fills Their Yards for All Town Yard Sale

CHLORIDE – Now that the hot weather is a thing of the past, the friendly folks in Chloride, a historic 1860’s silver mining camp, are filling their yards with treasures for the Saturday, November 2nd All Town Yard Sale. Sales begins at 8 a.m., while the famous...
MIT Begins to Discriminate Less

Dealing with Covid … Again: Tips for Staying Safe

By Matilda Charles Here we go again. Not to be an alarmist, but Covid never did go away. It’s been creeping around, changing its composition, infecting people, staying one step ahead of medicine every step of the way. And now it’s surging again, with the...